AboutUs.Org using email marketing to get opt-ins for more...email?!
Does your marketing department have an over-grown data base of email addresses that they haven't touched in a while? You're not alone. Many customers I consult to have the same issue: thousands of names and email addresses on a list, and no idea who on that list is a serious propect worth keeping in touch with, and which names are people who aren't interested anymore. The common solution that many organizations take is simply blasting emails out to the whole list with emails/newsletters until people start unsubscribing. There's a better way and the folks at Aboutus.Org have found it.
What's in this screencast?
On this 3.5 minute screen-cast, I share an email example from Aboutus.org which demonstrates how the company uses email marketing to showcase their value proposition, display multiple calls to action, and exibit a personalized writing stlyle. The email serves to put the customer in control of whether they would like to opt in for future emails for how-to tips and advice, or if they'd like to unsubscribe (a great data base cleaning tactic).
Your Turn:
What tactics does your marketing department use to cleanse your email data base of inactive/uninterested prospects? How are you using email marketing to your propects to build their interest around the valuable content you publish to share with them? Let's start the conversation in the comments below: